KANES PTE LTD was incorporated in 2007.The company has been dealing with import and export of goods without a dominant product.
KANEM SDN BHD was incorporated in 2019 in order for us to obtain both the local private projects and government based projects.
PT KANEI was formed in 2009 as a subsidiary company of KANES PTE LTD, the main objective of the company was to do Coal Mining on behalf of KANES PTE LTD.
KANEI PVT LTD was formed in the late 2016 as a Special Vehicle Company(SPV),the company was in charge of marketing the coal products in India.
KANES PVT LTD was incorporated in the early 2017 as a platform for KANES PTE LTD in order for us to obtain a government contract(LANKA COAL PVT LTD).